New Members

 Settling in

To help you feel at home here at Foxs, here are some things we think might help you:

  • Practice is every Thursday at St Chad's Church, Burcher Green, Comberton, Kidderminster, DY10 3AY between 8 and 10pm. We request members attend regularly in order to maintain and improve our standards. You should wear something sensible on your feet to give you good, safe movement.

  • Ian Hinksman is the Squire (Leader) of the team.

  • Claire & Abbie are currently sharing the role of Foreman (Dance Teacher).

  • Katie is the Secretary and publicity.

  • We keep in touch largely through email / WhatsApp.

  • A separate WhatsApp group is also used for communicating socially. 

  • Annual subs are £25 or £5 if you are under 18 or in full time education. This becomes payable at your second AGM. You should pay Dawn (Treasurer) when the time comes. New members pay £5 initially.

  • Every week we hold a brief meeting where we discuss invitations to dance outs and any other matters that arise. We also have access to a live, online spreadsheet where we can enter whether or not we can attend an invited dance out. This gives us the statistics to help us decide if we can accept an invitation or not and is a very important side of our communication. Please check this and fill it in regularly.

  • We dance out all year round. Maybe for a couple of hours, sometimes for the day and at other times for the weekend.


Don’t worry about getting kitted out. We try to keep things simple so that costs are kept to a minimum while at the same time, we have a clear identity that we can be proud of.

The preferred kit is-

  • Anything worn below the waist including boots, socks and tights to be Red, Green or Black

  • Clothes worn beneath tatters to be black

  • Tatters to be Red and Green in equal proportions with small amounts of Gold and Black

  • Grey top hats decorated to individual tastes.

  • Long sticks to be 28”-32”. Short sticks to be 18”

  • Faces to be painted with a choice of colours from red, green, gold and black or a mixture of all four. Design up to individuals, eg. paw prints. Faces to have a maximum of 40% of any one colour. 

If you need help setting any of this up, just ask. Members can advise you about where to get a second hand hat.

Thanks for joining us. Happy playing and dancing!

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