
Foxs Morris love dancing at a variety of venues and events. Over the last few years Foxs have performed at ...
* Folk Festivals * Fetes * Pubs * Markets * Town/City Centres * Citizenship Ceremonies * Museums * Weddings * Funerals * Nightclubs * Concerts * Ceilidhs * Wassails * Birthday Parties * Beer/Cider Festivals * Cubs/Guides/Brownie  and much more besides!

Wedding in Feckenham 2013

If you would like Foxs Morris to perform at your event, get in touch with the side's secretary through with the details. 
A typical dance spot would last half an hour ( we can do more than one session) and involve Foxs Morris performing traditional and contemporary Morris dances done in our interpretation of the Worcestershire Border tradition. 

Wassail at The Fleece 2014

Some things Foxs like when invited to 'dance out':
  • Plenty of notice; it makes it more likely the side can say yes and more likely there'll be lots of dancers and musicians.
  • Hard surfaces to dance on; the harder and louder the dance surface is, the better the performance can be. Foxs can dance on grass, but prefer not to.
  • A reasonably prominent spot; Foxs don't require floodlit stages or tiered seating, but also prefer not to dance around the back of the bike sheds!
  • Close Performance times; if asked to perform more than one 'spot', an hour is plenty of time for a break; three hours is too long.
  • Wet weather options; many instruments played by Foxs musicians cost hundreds of pounds and cannot get wet, so a covered/indoor performance space would be needed if it is raining.
  • Tea/Coffee/Charity Shops/Wetherspoons pubs; all of these score a tick when accepting 'dance outs'!
This list is not intended to be a list of demands, but should greatly reduce the risk of any surprises! Our secretary will happily discuss any further logistics with you upon your enquiry.

Dancing out with Bedcote Morris at The Royal Exchange, Stourbridge 2014